Saturday, January 2, 2021



The meaning of inferiority complex is a psychological disorder that arises from the conflicts between the desire to be notice and the fear of being shown to be inadequate or loosely a general feeling of inadequacy or worthlessness. This sort of feeling is present among people in micro and macro loud.

Especially, we Nepalese have this feeling of inferiority complex when we happen to meet a foreigner. Why do we have this kind of feeling in ourselves? Perhaps, it may be due to our poor interacting power in English or may be due to the feeling that the foreigner is economically and technically developed than us. The modern amenities and the business which are foreigners enjoy does not mean that they are superior to us. After all, they are also human beings just like us living under the same roof of the world enjoying the same kind of air, water and soil which we are enjoying. In my opinion, inferiority complex is just a state of mind which dominates us and makes us weak psychologically.

The very feeling of inferiority complex can be realized when we encounter a stranger of high post or from a higher caste than us. Here, this feeling arises because our counterpart has the personality, which we exactly don't have or we a have and psychological fear of being criticized by him/her. Over and above it is a social structure which compels us to psychologically think in this way. On the contrary we don't feel the same when we are speaking with work people who are weaker than us in many respects.

From the above, it is evident that we people have the attitude to analyses a person and react accordingly, off course, it's good to have someone to respect for the feeling of inferiority complex. After all, why should we? Actually if we are true and honest believe in ourselves then all our feeling of inferiority complex will vanish and we will be able to tackle our counterpart confidently.





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